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Welcome to the world of goals!
Setting and achieving goals is already a part of your life whether you realize it or not. By finishing school, getting a job, raising a family, starting a business, you have already set and achieved goals for yourself. This guide is based on the premise that you have a success rate of goal achievement in your life. That rate may be 50%, 25%, 72% . . . but not likely 100%. Most of us achieve some of our goals, but not necessarily ALL of them. It is challenging to consistently reach our business and personal goals. The information and tools contained in this guide are presented to you to help you increase your goal achievement percentage. You choose the goals. We provide a method to help you fine tune your desires and develop good habits to support yourself along your journey.

Our work spans over 25 years helping individuals and organizations nationwide to accomplish more of what they want to in less time and with less stress. Solid motivation and goal attainment theory provide a foundation for this Goal Setting method which has been time-tested by thousands of people just like you. If you want to read more about the theory behind the method, we encourage you to do so. However, if you follow the basic steps in the pages that follow you will find yourself applying what you learn almost immediately. In fact, most people respond, "Hey, this is common sense!" "What's so difficult about understanding the Technology/Art of Goal Setting?" To that we reply, "Yes, it is a form of common sense". The trick, art, magic, technology, or whatever, is in the real-life implementation.

You have to WANT to achieve your goals and you have to WORK to get them. Right there some people get knocked out of the box. They either don't WANT what they say they want (and we found this to be the case in a surprising number of situations) or they don't WANT the goal badly enough to do what it takes to get it.

GoalTrak PV didn't just happen. This guide is the result of more than 25 years of working with clients to help them make it happen. Then, we "discovered" that we could help even more people by putting our experience and knowledge in this easy to use form. If you really want to grow your business,if your business has already grown and you're wondering what's next, or you want to achieve more in your personal life, then this GoalTrak PV is for you. It's never too early or too late, to step back, consider what you have, and decide what you want... to make it happen, instead of just letting it happen.

GoalTrak PV is a no nonsense, direct approach to goal setting. No frills or fancy stuff - just the basics; how to dribble and make lay-ups. Our approach is not a prescription. Rather, it is a method to build a framework which you complete in your unique way, in a manner that meets your needs and goals. GoalTrak PV allows you to keep the values that have made you successful, while supporting the transition to a more fulfilling life, and improved personal performance.

By: Richard S. Lewine, Nancy C. Lewine, Ph.D. & Stephen C. Dodd

Here are links to the 9 chapters of our Goal Setting Manual: