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Glossary     Glossary

Action Step - In goal setting, a small, 100% controllable task or activity
Actual Starting Point - A beginning point for the measurable outcome of a goal
Affirmations - Positive, first person, present tense statements, that represents a desired future condition
Annotations - Comments made by a goal owner that reside within a goal structure and that become part of the goal's permanent data record

Child Goal - A goal that is tied directly to one of your a higher level goals, the results of which are generally rolled up into at least one of the Parent goal's Measurable criteria. Sometimes called Sub-goal.
Criteria - The yardsticks that you create by which you will measure the progress toward your goal. There are four types of criteria:
  1. Cumulative - results from each measurement period are added together, accumulating toward your goal
  2. Rate - the average of the results from all measurement periods is recorded and compared to your target
  3. Ratio - results for a numerator and denominator from each measurement period are summed respectively, and the ratio of the two sums is recorded and compared to your target
  4. Percentage - results are reported as a percent rather than a decimal equivalent
Criterion Indicator - A square, or portion of a square that has red, yellow or green images that indicates the performance of a criterion to date compared to the overall target of the criterion at the end date
Crystallization - The intital step of getting a goal setter's thoughts about what they want to achieve out of their head and on to paper, or into a computer

Dashboard - A collection of graphical data representing actual performance vs target
Delete a Goal - The act of removing a goal from GoalTrak's active, tracking status

Export - Create a .csv file of GoalTrak data to send to a third party application

Goal - A target or objective to which a goal setter commits their efforts toward achieving
Goal Statement - A paragraph or set of phrases that describes exactly what you want to accomplish and meets these five criteria: specific, measurable, tangible, realistic and controllable
Graph - The visual representation of data generated by GoalTrak, usually, actual performance vs goal target criteria

Key Result Area - Areas within an organization or your life to which significant resources are allocated

Measureable Criteria - The yardsticks that you create by which you will measure your progress toward the goal

Obstacles/Challenges - Road blocks that must be overcome to achieve a goal
Overall Target - The measurable end point outcome of a goal

Parent Goal - A goal that has Child Goals and that generally is dependent on the results of those Child Goals for achievement of at least one of its Measurable criteria.
Period Indicator - A circular, red, yellow or green image that appears when viewing results and indicates the performance of a criterion for a particular measurement period
Primary Criterion - The driving force phrase or sentence of a Goal Statement that is the bottom line essence of a goal
Primary Target - The overall target of the Primary Criterion

Resources - Those people, groups, equipment, tools and capital that are either available or needed to accomplish a goal
Revise a Goal - The act of modifying a goal in GoalTrak that has already been committed to and is actively being tracked
Road Blocks - Obstacles and challenges that must be overcome to achieve a goal
Rollup Criterion - A measurable criterion in a Goal that either supports a Parent Criterion, is a Parent Criterion or both.

Sibling Goals - Goals that have the same Parent Goal
Solution - The method or means by which Road Blocks will be overcome
System of Goals - An individual's collection of goals that encompass all areas of their life

Target - A measurable objective within a goal that makes it possible for goal setters to know how they are doing with respect to their actual performance
Target Tolerance - An allowance of plus or minus some realistic percentage of a performance target
Tracking - The goal setting step that identifies the measurable criteria by which you will track your progress

User - A goal setter