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We do not live, or operate our businesses in a vacuum. We interact with and depend on other people and entities (vendors, suppliers, customers, colleagues, employees, friends, family and others) while we pursue our goals. These organizations, groups, people, tools, body of knowledge, environment, etc. become resources for us. In Step 9, we distinguish between two types of Resources, Available (A) and Needed (N). This is the place to capture information relative to what you will need to implement your various solutions, take your action steps, and ultimately achieve your goal. In this area note the names of people who will be involved, time frames, dollars, knowledge, skills, experience, equipment, etc. In this section, record all of those resources that you are aware of when you write the goal.

CAUTION: Do Not Skip this Step! Yes, you may be tempted to breeze through this. It's easy, a piece of cake, you tell yourself. Yes, it's probably the easiest Step to complete, but it is deceptively powerful and one that is too often overlooked or minimized. Why is it so important?

This is a place to build an external support system for yourself as you embark on your goal. Remember the Affirmation section when we talked about the scarcity of cheerleading in our lives? The resources you uncover, discover, create and cultivate, can be molded into your personal cheerleading squad.

Think you only need help when things are tough? You're partly right. Having a solid support system available during the difficult times is obviously beneficial. Sometimes that's the only way we make it through. What many of us miss, (we don't even know it), is how good it feels to be applauded and encouraged as we pass major milestones on the path to our goal. It is reassuring to know that someone else acknowledges our efforts and supports our achievements. Their support generates additional energy within us, further fueling our motivation to achieve our goals.

One reason sporting events are so exciting is the wild crowd that goes into a loud cheering frenzy not only when a goal is scored, but also when the ball is stolen or blocked; when the puck is deflected, when the dismount is stuck! Each and every little accomplishment toward winning the game, the match or the event is celebrated. But, that's not what we do in real life!

In business we talk about celebrating the successes, even the small ones, but in reality, do we actually do it? Sure, maybe a salesperson gets a high five from her manager after a great presentation, but how often? What about other professions? How many bankers cheer their customer service reps when they close a loan?

Before you think we've lost our minds, we are not advocating non-stop positive reinforcement. We are trying to get you to picture what encouragement from others can do to motivate you - especially when things are going well! That's the time to play on your success. You know, "keep the ball rolling", extend your lucky streak (yeah, right LUCK! With all of the hard work you are putting into the achievement of a goal and you call it LUCK? Nonsense. That kind of self-talk undermines your confidence and erodes your self-esteem.). We subscribe to the physics principle that a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Success begets success. So when you are "on a roll" and making it happen, we say "keep it going"! Apply that extra energy or boost in self-confidence to other goals in your business or personal life.

Of course, there are other types of Resources such as equipment, certain technologies, raw materials, special processes, cash and others to consider and build into your support system along with the people component. These types of resources may be just as critical to your success even if they can't say "Rah! Rah!"

As you review your goal, which we recommend you do at least weekly, you will remind yourself of what needs to be done and who or what is required. The more you write down, the more you enhance the likelihood that you will tap the resources available, or find those that are needed. This is your own personal resource - a self-supporting, self-perpetuating system to ensure consistent progress toward the achievement of your goal. YOU are your most important resource! Without you, the goal has no leader. No one to make it come alive. No one to Make It Happen! Your goal needs you as much as you need it.

Although a goal can be written clearly enough that another person or group understands and implements it, that particular goal, conceived and written by you, is uniquely yours. It has your imprint on it. The rewards and benefits are designed to accrue to you (and others around you). Those are the rewards which meant enough to you personally to ignite your motivation and propel you to action.

Even if you are writing a set of corporate goals for your company which employs many other people, remember that what you pen is YOURS. Yes, you may be the leader everyone else willingly follows, but if you want others to be as passionate about their goals as you have now become about yours, then have them write their own goals from their point-of-view and authority. If they do it right (with your guidance), they will construct a set of goals that are uniquely theirs AND which dovetail with yours, creating a synergistic system of mutually beneficial goals.

The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.

- George Bernard Shaw

Sounds like utopia? NOT! We've taught this technology to hundreds of executives, managers and supervisors and they made it work, not us. If others have done it, then so can you. (PS. No, they didn't have unlimited capital, brainpower, labor, patented technology or any other advantage. They simply took what they learned and applied it to their businesses and their lives. When they fell down, they pulled themselves up - with the help of their resource system - and kept on going. That's what you have to do, too. It's what we all have to do when we want, WANT, to strive for that little something more.)

To finish what you started, review your entire goal. Make sure that you have completed each of the sections to the best of your ability, and when you have,


You finished writing your first Goal!
The 9 Steps are: