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GoalTrak PV - Quick Start Instructions

We recommend that you print these out for use while getting started.

Note to all Users:  For GoalTrak PV to work properly, you must set your browser to accept pop ups from this site.

Quick Start Instructions
  1. Sign In -Sign in with the username and password that you chose when you registered. Since you have no goals written yet, you will be taken to this Quick Start instruction page.
  2. Review Help Section -Click on the Help link and read about setting and achieving goals. Familiarize yourself with all the help links so you can find the help you need when you need it.
  3. Read Goal Setting Manual -Click on the Goal Setting Manual link in the Help section and read about GoalTrak PV - Technology & Art. To derive the most benefit from your goal setting endeavors, we strongly recommend that you read about each of the nine steps; those principal elements of goal setting. Links to these steps are located at the bottom of this page.
  4. Create a Goal -Now create your first goal by clicking on the Create a New Goal link. Fill in the required information. When you are done entering in the required information, click on the Save Required Information button to enter the goal into the system. Now you can finish creating your goal using the nine step process.
  5. Commit to the Goal -After you have finished creating your goal, click on the Commit to this Goal button to commit to accomplishing this goal and sending it to Results Management.
  6. Congratulations! -You have just made your first goal.