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GoalTrak PV - Your Dashboard
  A Dashboard is a collection of graphs that represent the actual performance results of selected goal measurable criteria. Consider it a portfolio of graphs that you have chosen to keep handy for quick, easy and frequent viewing. For example, you may want to see a line chart showing your body weight and a bar graph showing the number of hours of aerobic exercising each week.

You may create as many Dashboards as you want. To view a Dashboard, click on the View link in your list of dashboards. The Dashboard graphs will be displayed in a separate window where you can customize or print the graph and optionally view goal and measurable criteria data.

View Your Dashboard!
  Clicking on the View Your Dashboard! icon/link will open a page that will allow you to view and maintain your dashboards.

View or Print a Dashboard
  To view or print a dashboard, click on the View link to the left of the dashboard name. This will open a pop up window that will display all the graphs in the dashboard. Each graph will be displayed using either the default settings when the dashboard was created, or the custom settings that were selected when the graph was customized. You can have as many graphs in your dashboard as you want, but only four graphs can be seen in the window without scrolling. Click on the Show Graph Details checkbox to view the goal information pertinent to the criterion being graphed. In this mode, only two graphs are shown in the window without scrolling.

Above and to the left of each graph in the dashboard is a square "Criterion Indicator" that tells you at a glance how the results compare to the targets set for this criterion. For a detailed explanantion of what these indicators mean, click on the Indicator Key link at the top of the page next to the Print Dashboard button.

You can print all the graphs in your dashboard by clicking on the teal Print Dashboard button at the top of the window. To print a single graph in your dashboard, click on the Print Graph button below the graph. In either case, the print dialog box will appear which will allow you to select a printer, set preferences and choose which pages and how many to print. When printing single graphs, use the landscape orientation to get the largest size graph on the page.

Manage Your Dashboards
  To create a Dashboard, click on the Create button to bring up the Dashboard data entry window. Enter a Dashboard name in the text box. Then select the measurable criteria from the list that you want to be graphed in your Dashboard and click on the Save button. If the order in which the graphs are displayed in Dashboard is important, you may enter a number in the text box under the Sort column(decimals are allowed). Graphs are displayed in the Dashboard from left to right and there are 2 per line. The measurable criteria list comes pre-sorted by Key Result Area. You may change the type of sort by clicking on any column header in the list. For example, if you click on the Goal Phrase column header, the measurable criteria list will be sorted alphabetically by the Goal Phrase.

If you want to change your Dashboard, highlight the Dashboard you wish to change and click on the Edit button. In the data entry window, make any changes you want and click on the Save Changes button.

To remove a Dashboard you no longer need or want, highlight the Dashboard you wish to delete and click on the Delete button.

Note: Deleting a Dashboard in no way affects the underlying data that resides in the criteria of your goal.

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View or Print a Graph
  To print an individual graph in the dashboard, click on the Print Graph button under the graph. This will open a pop up window that will display a larger version of the graph.

You can temporarily change the chart type for the graph by selecting a new chart type from the "Chart Type" drop down box above the graph. Once the selection is made, the graph will automatically be re-drawn. To make a permanent change, you must click on the Customize button under the graph.

Click on your browser's print icon to print the graph. The print dialog box will appear which will allow you to select a printer, set preferences and choose which pages and how many to print. Use the landscape orientation to get the largest size graph on the page.

Dashboard Options
  There are 3 buttons located under each graph in the dashboard. These buttons are:
  • View Data
  • Print Graph
  • Customize
The View Data button will bring up a popup window which displays all the criterion's targets and actual results for each measurement period. There is also a link to view all the goal data.

The Print Graph button is used to print an individual graph in the dashboard and is described above.

Click on the Customize button to customize the look of the individual graph. In the customization popup window, you can change the chart type, colors, and font size along with many other settings to get the graph looking just the way you want. Click on the Preview Graph button to see what your graph will look like before saving the changes. Click on the Save button to save the changes.