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GoalTrak PV - User Settings
  The Settings link contains all the settings to customize GoalTrak PV to your needs. These options are listed at the top of the section. To make changes to your user settings, check or uncheck the box next to each preference to turn on or turn off that feature. Click the Update button to record these changes.

Change Password
  To change your password, click on the Change Password link on the left hand side. Enter a new password into the first text field. Confirm the new password in the second text field and then click on the Change Password button.

Passwords can consist of any combination of keyboard characters. The first character of the password must be an alphanumeric character. Passwords must be between 8 and 25 characters. Depending on the level of security you require, you may want to change your password on a regular basis.

  If you are having a problem with GoalTrak PV and cannot seem to find the answer in the Help section, then send us an email and let us know the issue. You will find our email address by clicking on the Support link.

In addition to a link to our email address, there is a link to our weblog. If you have been using GoalTrak PV for a while and would like to see your company take advantage of this technology, contact our consulting partner at RSL Consulting Group.